Here we are in the midst of the new normal "stay-at-home" when I just had to make an "essential" flight and got to checkout the famed San Diego beaches along the way.
Handshake Leads to a Fun New Aero-Venture
A handshake is said to seal the deal while conveying trust, respect, balance and equality. When the handshake is followed by the handing over of a set of keys to a motorcycle, car, boat or airplane... well, there's an inherent excitement all around.
When it comes to airplanes, I've been blessed to enjoy two such handshakes. The latest was upon ...
owner acceptance of a bright yellow Aeroprakt A32 Vixxen Light Sport Airplane with the tail number N328AM.
Late in 2019, Dennis Long of Aeroprakt USA personally flew this Vixxen across country to Ramona, California's KRNM airport to hand over the keys to an aero-venture in waiting; an airplane sure to be full of fun, friends, flying and lots of learning.
The A32 Vixxen is the latest design from Yuri Yakovlev, the man who founded Aeroprakt in 1991. Since his start, more than 1,000 of his airplanes have taken flight around the world. This particular Vixxen is one of only a handful currently flying in the USA and the very first one to call California home.
As Dan Johnson wrote for General Aviation News in the fall of 2018, "this is a great flying airplane, reflecting Aeroprakt’s experience producing and refining so many hundreds of the predecessor" model.
With a top speed of 130 MPH and a stall speed in the low-mid 30 MPH range, the Aeroprakt Vixxen flies fast enough for cross-country trips while landing slower than my greyhound dog can run! Slower landings mean safer landings.
What's more the Vixxen's fuel economy is the equivalent of about 25 MPG with a payload of nearly 600 pounds thanks to the airplane's design and the 100HP Rotax 912 engine. The Vixxen is quite the economically efficient flyer.
And while my new aero-venture has just begun with the Vixxen, like an old flame from the past, I must also recall a prior handshake from 10 or so years ago. That's when my light sport airplane fun began the day I took delivery of N185EV, an Evektor SportStar. The SportStar was a blast to fly at the time though the Vixxen promises so much more.
If you ever find yourself in the San Diego region, stop in to see the Vixxen for yourself. We can even go for a flight. Under the banner "Fly4Fun" we also provide airplane rental, flight instruction and sales. I'd love to see you join the fun with a handshake photo of your own.
Special Light-Sport Aircraft, or SLSA, are 100% factory built light aircraft that may be used commercially for instruction and rental. These aircraft are accepted by the FAA after the manufacturer demonstrates compliance with industry consensus standards and proves they have proper manufacturing controls. Since the first SLSA approvals in April 2005, the LSA industry has gained FAA approval for more than 140 aircraft models.
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